Hello, I'm

Xuan Yiming

A Software Engineer

Elevating software engineering with a rhythmic touch - where lines of code resonate with the passion of the music, creating digital symphonies of innovation.

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About Me

Hello there! I am a Computer Engineering student, currently navigating my tenth semester on this exciting journey of learning and exploration. Throughout my academic endeavors and work experiences, I have honed my problem-solving skills and developed effective team communication, making me adaptable to diverse challenges.

As a passionate computer engineering enthusiast, I am on a constant quest for creativity and innovation. The dynamic intersection of technology and creativity fuels my curiosity, driving me to explore new horizons in the ever-evolving field of computer engineering.

Join me on this adventure as I continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of computer engineering!


Project 1

The Path of Celestial Characters - PRG

Working in progress. Coming soon!

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